Tuesday, February 28, 2006
after much waiting
Friday, February 24, 2006
why do i have such power
that's the beauty of her. i cant hide anything from her because she has known me inside out, left to right and top to bottom. she may hold back her comments on a situation when it happens, but she will tell me about it sooner or later. it is just a matter of time. i appreciate the honesty we have in our friendship. we dont deny our flaws or tell a white lie just to make the other party happy. if there are people around you praising you like nobody business, beware! to me, these people are the most schemeing people on earth. they are like wolves in the sheep's clothing. they dont contribute to your development but destroying your life. like me, many told me that i look fierce. i dont deny that point and i am not planning to do anything to suit anyone. i want to show everyone the real me.
bot our horoscopes are not supposed to be good friends. we should be avoiding each other as much as we can. however, we become best friends. that's another thing i like about her. we seldom agree on anything. we both have different fashion sense so we wont be copycats of each other when we go dating. we hold different views on issues. it has always been her dream to study overseas but i dont see the need to do so in the near future. we have different taste for guys, which is extremely good! we wont be hurting our friendship over a guy which i believe is stupid and childish. at the end of the story, it is always more worthwhile to have one more girlfriend than a boyfriend. i am more of the practical side but she is more of the emotional side. though we are different in our opinions, we never argue over them before. in fact, i find it interesting to know more views on a particular issue. it is much more exciting to have someone to challenge and question your view. it makes life more unpredictable.
the last thing i found out about her is her mouth STINKS!!!!!! we were watching the winter olympic at torino while chatting. the event showing was females figure skating. everytime she said the competitor would fall, she would fall at the next jump. it was not a coincidence. it happened for a totoal of four times that night. so the lesson learnt is never anger her because you wont know what curses she will use behind your back.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
looking back
but looking at the kids of today, i sympathesize them. at a young age, they have to attend pre school. parents start to look for tutors in fear that their kids would not score well in their studies and sign them up for enrichment classes like music without knowing their interest first. why does thing change so much within a few years?
i shall be glad that i have my parents. they dont really bother me with my studies. they allow me to take responsibility in my own learning, together with their occasional guidance along the way. they dont force anything upon me although sometimes i disapprove their way of bringing the 3 of us up. i need to start to appreciate the simple things in life - my parents, my friends, an inspiring song, and even a smile from a stranger.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
a long wait

my mum and i

my parents

s14 girls


goi and i

i and eileen

eilzabeth, i and jess

jiefang with her bloody 'pad'


my birthday cake


pee's so-called ugliest pic

@ chijmes

the longest friend i have
i will remember
- compromise
- never judge a book by its cover
- do not let your emotions rule your head. be RATIONAL!!!
- do not keep all your feelings inside. you will BURST one day.
- favouritism still exists. i appreciate EQUALITY even more.
suddenly, i am in love with it. i was excited when i took it out and unwrap it. i felt a a sense of purpose in life. at least there is something for me to do now, and not slacking my night away. it trains my mind and diminishes my weakness - lack of patience. patience is important. it's pointless to rush through things and i may make things even worse. stay calm and think logically when a problem strikes me in the future. it taught me everything in life follows a sequence. nothing happens by its own. events are inter connected to each other. one can be the consequence of another. so there is always a stop to a problem if i break the chain. i am not finished with it yet. i shall show you the final it when the time comes.
ps/ think straight. it is neither abnormal nor disgusting.
"i tell myself i will be strong"
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
a day for lovers or friends
- splurge on my boyfriend's money and encourage white hairs' growth for him to think of a unique celebration
- to be the centre of attention for a day
- to make others jealous of me
- to feel appreciated and treasured
- everyone celebrates the day of love
that is just a crappy list i thought of on my way home because i saw a couple cuddling together and doing you-know-what on the public bus!! oh my. i am not very disgusted by them but definitely not enjoying what i saw. since they are willing and daring to display their affection for each other openly, why miss the chance to "watch free show"? anyway, it's valentine's day today. =) to me, it is a day of friendship because i believe that most friendships last longer than the boy-meets-girl relationship.
it's a normal day for me except that i have received bad news from my boss first thing in the morning. i should not comment on that so as not to destroy my mood for work tomorrow. besides, i remembered i had 2 heavy meals, lunch and dinner. the uncle at the VEGETARIAN stall must be thinking i dont eat a lot because i am quite skinny. so he decided to serve me with endless rice but in the end, i finished every single grain of rice. the dishes my dad prepared for dinner today were horrible! i had the urge to eat takeaway. my wonderful mum just told me she had prepared green bean soup and it was waiting for me. although my stomach was close to brusting, my mum's desserts are irresisitible. yummy!
a brand new day at work awaits me.
"face it as a challenge"
Saturday, February 11, 2006
meat makes me mad
met up with goi, dingod and HQ at cityhall after my work on friday. i was totally restless on friday. i could not wait for 7pm to come. i was counting down with one of my colleagues. i didnt know where we were going to have our dinner and they refused to tell me anything except that the venue was at chijmes. i thought they were going to drink even before we had our dinner. please do not do that unless you want to get drunk instantly. we walked around chimjes and finally found the resturant- carnivore, the brazilian restaurant.
i felt awkawrd when i entered. the other customers did not match our age group. they seem to have been working for the past few years. And we, the 4 waiting for results kids, decided to dine in the same place as them. to make things worse, we could not understand what the waitress was talking about. her articulation was very muffled. in the end, we had to pay a heavy price for the lack of understanding.
from the name of the restaurant, you should be able to tell what it serves. the waiters will come and serve the food fresh from the grill. the chicken, ham and sausages were the best that night. the most exquistie dish we had last night was the chicken's heart. it tasted a little like rubbish and the jucie oozed out when your teeth meet together with the chicken heart in between. it was not a horrible dish but i had problem swallowing it down my throat. goi and i found it disgusting to eat that because it is a chicken's heart. if you dont find it yucky, try it.
when we were about to call for the bill, a card popped out from nowhere. it was wonderfully decorated. when i saw it, i thought they bought the card but i was wrong. it is the only one piece in the entire universe. what's amazing is the pictures at the front of the card had a story. they represented their thinking process of getting me a birthday present. so cool!!! the ideas were flip flops, pedi and mani set, coffee bean, wine, coffee beans, chocolate buffet, accessories and guitar.
we were a little stunned when we saw the bill. that dinner cost us around 250bucks for 4 people. actually, the main course was reasonable. it was the drinks' fault. 1 litre of evian mineral water costs us 9 bucks. that was almost triple the price we can get at 7 eleven. that lime alcoholic drink was not bad and 3 of it cost us 45 bucks. the drinks made us paid a heavy price.
it's affordable to go to such a posh restaurant (in our view) once in a blue moon. it's a pleasure to act like a rich person for that few hours. it's scary to eat so much meat for a meal in a day. it's tiring to tell myself i need to work out to burn out the many carnivores i ate that night. thanks guys for the wonderful company last night!
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
find my fault
maybe work is too dry for me everyday that i refuse to convince myself to sleep because the next moment i open my eyes, it will be a brand new day and i have to go back to work again. it's not that i dont enjoy myself at my workplace at all. i just find the duties plain and boring. nothing exciting at all! i need some excitement in life before i decompose, smell and dies. seriously, someobody saves me!!!! bring me more fun and laughter into my life.
Monday, February 06, 2006
who i really
i dont see it as a must or need yet. i am happy with the life i am in now. i am enjoying freedom like never before. i have no committments to make and no promises to keep. i am not obliged to do anything for anyone. i am able to do anything that i like. i dont have to consider about the other party's feelings when i make decision. i am truly living for the sake of myself. do i sound selfish? maybe to a small extent but let's accept the sad truth that Man is selfish by nature.
dont see me as a opposition to relationships. i am NOT! i have my past and nobody, especially those around me want to bring it up. what's the point? what's past is long gone. just live with it and life goes on. i admit that it is a wonderful experience to fall in love. i am sure i can substitute that feeling by eating chocolates right? laugh at me all you want. i know it's absurd to compare falling in love with eating chocolates but the chemical reactions happening in my body is similar. dont get the wrong idea! how can we compare the life long experience we will share (keyword here is share) with the companion with the instant joy by popping chocolates into our mouths?
i am not afraid of committments. if you think carefully, we are making new committments every now and then. a few months back, i need to carry out my duties as a student. and now, i have to ensure that i am able to work efficiently and productively. committments are action promises. i guess i am more of the carefree person. i dont wish to be tied down soon. i can only live life once. i want to truly enjoy life before i settle down. i want to know more about the world. i want to enrich my life by taking up courses, learning new stuff and gaining more knowledge. i want to be further developed mentally and spiritually. i want to continue to explore and know the true me. i always believe that i need to understand myself first before i can allow someone to understand me. give me time to venture on my own and i will be a better person out of it.
being a carefree person. is that just an excuse to cover up? i dont believe in this word forever because nothing in life lasts forever. friendships does not continue unless you make an effort to maintain it. families break up. couples break their promoises. even human is not immortal. is it why i does believe in eternal love? but wait, is there any difference between love and eternal love? please dont tell me the difference is there is an additional word for the second phrase. how about not does not want to rely too much on others? could that play a part to my stand on relationships as well?
i am so tired after working today. i am seriously suffering from monday blues. the pictures i took on my birthday have not been uploaded yet. they are still in my memory card. i have not recharged my digital camera yet too. i will try my best to get it done as soon as i can.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
it's never enough
S14 - the day started off very well. i managed to wake up on time and was ready to walk to pear's house by 10am. to my horror, i waited for the signal to start moving off for almost an hour. jess was late was what goi told me. i was thinking why on earth did this woman need an hour to get to clementi from bukit panjang? anyway, when i opened the door, i was shocked to see hq. i thought what was he doing at my door step? the only possibility i could think of was he had lost his way, didnt know how to get to pear's house and he has a fantastic memory because it has been almost a year since he last came to my house for cny house visiting. suddenly, the rest jumped into the picture and i saw candles. yeah!!!! so happy... i was touched when they told me goi and eileen woke up at 5am to make the cheesecake for me. pear went to search for the receipe online. they had to make the cake by themselves because no cake shop was opened during the cny period. and HQ for scouting available cake shops. the funniest part was the class alighted at the wrong bus stop and had to walk all the way from 2 bus stops away from the central to my house. it was freaking hot so i could imagine the amount of sweat and tears you guys had shed. the cheesecake was yummy. rmb to teach me when we meet up soon okay? maybe we can do that during one of the 3rd sats of every months. =)
KNS - left around 6 plus and met KNS at orchard for dinner at coffee club in kino because my dearest liting was working there on my birthday. =( as usual, we started taking ugly and decent photos. we forced pee to take a ugly shot because she has none in our memories. laughing at jiefang's weird triple eyelids. i love their present, esp our KNS photos and the last one. haha.. they know me so well. i guess i will have to look through all the photos and place more attention to the last one. you know, leave the best till the last. haha.. dont worry. i still love you all always! after having a heavy and my first decent meal of the day, we went to mache to try their cocktails. didnt really enjoy the drinks. the alcoholic content wasnt very high but it got our woon a little tipsy. she was laughing at everything whenever lydia spoke and had difficluties walking in a straight line. after qipei left, we went to one of the pubs at chijmes and started drinking again. lydia, jiefang and i secretly hid one of the glass - holy smoke from woon because we knew that if she drank that, she would definitely knock out on the spot. there was whiskey in that drink so that's not for the wanna be drunkard woon. there was a live band inside the pub and they rock. one of the guitarists' vocal was good. the atmosphere was great if we neglect the slightly smoky smell when we were about to leave the place. other than that, it is a place that is worth visiting again. =)
came home late and time check - 0208. i am supposed to wake up in the morning at 7 to go to work. what a depressing thought. i am still in the holiday mood, not ready to work my butt off yet. hopefully my boss will be kind enough to give us a earlier knock off time tmr, which is highly impossible. stop day dreaming!!!! i will have to look after to the weekends and after work for the next few months because there isnt any public holidays in feb and march. the next public holiday is only in april. that sounds so far away right? so everyone out there, please meet during weekends or after work okay? i dont want my life to revolve around my work only before i go bonkers.
FAMILY - it is the cny period so it's time to spend with family and my relatives whom i will only meet yearly. my family did not gamble when we went on house visiting. we just sat around and talked about everything. i drank a lot during these 3 days. the red wine after my reunion dinner, draught beer with my dad and visited a pub on my birthday. oh my!!! i should refrain from drinking for the next few weeks or maybe months. i am not a alcoholic anyway. i was close to tears when i knew my dad actually walked the entire clementi central on the eve of my birthday to look for a opened cake shop. he does not bother about my birthday in the past. he only treated the family to dinner on my birthday. he never bothered himself about getting a birthday cake for me. it was always my mum who would prepare or buy the cake for me. it is just not his norm. my mum willingly volunteered to bake a cake for me instead. the cake was yummy. that should be my breakfast for the next few days because i am sick of having bread with peanut butter.
i want to thank you everyone for the effort in planning these wonderful birthday surprises. i know it's hard and sometimes frustating to organise such event. i truly appreciate all your efforts. i promise i will love you all more and treasure our friendships. thanks for all the sms birthday wishes too!!! i still have them in my hp although my memory is 95% full. i cant bear to delete them all. haha.. when do i become a sentimental person? i am officially 19-years-old. be a more sensible person. i am already a big big girl. i should try to maintain my clean record. i hope it is not too hard to kick the habit. i have been a good girl since cny. =) be a happy and healthy girl!